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This Idea That Works gives you a simple way to prompt your surgical team to conduct patient safety checks.

Avoid these 5 patient positioning disasters. From pressure ulcers to vision loss, don't let positioning problems happen on your watch.

Editor's Page: Objects of desire. What the Tenet-USPI joint venture says about surgery centers.

Surgeons' Lounge: Hollywood premiere. Increase surgeon attendance at meetings

Medication safety pop quiz. Are you complying with best practices in medication safety?

Stay on your stool in the OR with this Idea That Works.

Product News: Sterilize Big Loads at Low Temperatures. Surgical Display Monitor Has the Brightest LED Backlight. Redesigned Scalpels Make Eye Surgery Safety a Snap.

Use an alternative for mixing plaster for casts with this Idea That Works.

Difficult airways: Are you prepared for the challenging intubations that you can't predict?

Behind Closed Doors: The irritating things our colleagues do. 8 ways our co-workers drive us up a wall.

Get the most from your anesthesia providers. An administrator and an anesthesiologist share the secrets to their working success.

Medical Malpractice: Sedation, sexual assault and surgical centers. Protect your patients from caregiver abuse and the resultant lawsuits.

What's new in chronic sinusitis treatment. Clear your patients' heads with balloon sinuplasty, image-guided navigation and steroid-eluting stents.

Which boom fits your room? Structure, use and space should factor into the decision.

Remind your surgical team about important information with this Idea That Works.

Avoid tripping in your Crocs using this Idea That Works.

Take these few precautions to protect patient skin from deep vein thrombosis and other circulatory hazards with this Idea That Works.

How I mix my multimodal cocktail. A dash of NSAIDs, a splash of IV acetaminophen, and a shot of regional or local anesthesia will send your patients home free of pain.

Take advantage of healthcare transparency. Expert insights on putting quality measures and outside opinions to work for your facility.

Cutting Remarks: Tall tales from the OR. If you stick around surgery long enough, you'll see it all.

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