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Get straight on skin prepping. Pre-op antisepsis is hardly complex, but questions remain.
Bill could force facilities to video surgeries. Patients given anesthesia would have the choice.
Hospital to pay $4.25 million after botched and unnecessary bariatric surgery. Judge rules that the woman didn't meet medical standards to undergo the procedure.
Could coaching improve surgical technique? Laparoscopist's study examines the value of video replay, individual feedback.
Report: Olympus may have known about duodenoscope problem, failed to yell U.S. providers. Scope maker warned European hospitals about potential risks 2 years ago.
Drug mixup leads to tragic consequences. Anesthesiologist mistakenly administered lidocaine instead of Hespan during spine surgery.
N.C. anesthesiologist's behavior wasn't harassment. But federal court lets CRNA's retaliation allegations stand.
Hep C outbreak doc faces additional jail time.
Hospital workers cleared of alleged hate crime. Native American claims the letters were carved into his abdomen during hospitalization for open heart procedure.
Michael Jackson's Thriller by the surgical team at Lafayette (La.) General Health.
Minimize scars, minimize costs. Johns Hopkins researchers say laparoscopic surgery curbs healthcare spending by hundreds of millions of dollars.
Duodenoscope cross-contamination is a common complication. Investigators' report faults scope's design, manufacturers' directions.
Keeps patient throughput smooth with this Idea That Works.
Where there's smoke ... there's progress. We're using education to clear the air in our ORs.
Surgeons' Lounge: toothbrush trick. A cheap way to clean your duodenoscopes
The case for fluid warming. It's an underused and highly effective way to maintain normothermia.
Make patient flow easier and more efficient with this Idea That Works.
Thinking of buying ... ophthalmic lasers. Expanded patient care can be profitable care.
Coding & Billing: Thinking about going out-of-network? Larger reimbursements are yours for the taking, but at what costs?
Surgeons' Lounge: Do you leave your facility in your scrubs?