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Florida skin-cancer doc agrees to pay feds $4 million. He's accused of performing unnecessary procedures and fabricating others.
Can antibiotics successfully treat appendicitis? Study finds that majority of patients suffering from appendicitis can be treated with antibiotics alone.
N.J. Bill would close borders to out-of-state-owned ASCs. Ownership by in-state hospitals or med schools would be required.
How did an insufflator cause second-degree burns to a gastric banding patient? While the patient says its autoclave-hot metal valve burned her stomach, a court isn't blaming the surgeon.
Insurer says yes to morcellation. Insurer bucks trend, lets docs, patients decide on morcellation. HCSC decides against a "not medically necessary" label.
Will Florida drop CON law? Florida lawmakers consider ending certificates of need. Regulation debate pits competition vs. cherry-picking.
Some hospitals charging 'outrageous rates' for care. Hospital price gouging driving up healthcare costs. For-profit facilities mostly to blame for market failure, say researchers.
Hospital allegedly fires surgeon for operating elsewhere. Doctor claims in economic credentialing lawsuit that hospital unjustly fired him and damaged his reputation.
Coding & Billing: The countdown to ICD-10. Be ready for the October deadline with these 6 steps.
Shopping for surgery. How to make the self-pay model work for you and your patients.
Protect patients from accidental exposure to dirty endoscopes with this Idea That Works from Columbus, Ohio.
Keep your shaving pedals clean with this Idea That Works from Atlanta, Georgia.
Make patients more comfortable with this warm Idea That Works from Bloomington, Illinois.
Improve on patient satisfaction scores and reduce overtime costs with this Idea That Works from Houston, Texas.
Behind Closed Doors: The Hit List. Shuffle through a day of surgery with these tunes.
Medical Malpractice: Cleared for surgery? You should have a clear protocol for obtaining medical clearances.
Is It Worth More to See More in GI Endoscopy? 3 questions to ask before investing in colonoscopy's latest visualization innovations.
Staffing: Solve staff conflicts. Hear both sides of the issue before acting fairly and decisively.
What's new in minimally invasive surgery? It's all about improved visualization and less trauma at this year's SAGES Annual Meeting.
Make everone aware of what materials go in a sharps container with this Idea That Works from Morristown, New Jersey.