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Coding & Billing: A partial and confusing list of spine codes. Your claims could include excluded and covered services.

Protect your tablets with this Idea That Works from Chicago, Illinois.

Make patient prepping and pre-op tests more efficient with this Idea That Works from Chandler, Arizona.

Medical Malpractice: EMRs can be your friend or foe in a lawsuit. Electronic medical records can trip you up in court.

Patient claims surgeon's bare hands responsible for post-op infection. Woman loses suit that alleged doctor used ungloved hand to drain fluid from her breast following surgery.

CMS announces outpatient rates for 2016. ASCs see small uptick, hospital rates fall slightly.

Patient says she was bullied into signing consent form. She'd repeatedly insisted she didn't want a hysterectomy.

Which drug is better For post-op pain control? Bupivacaine, at a price of about $2.80 per shot, or the liposomal bupivacaine formulation trade-named Exparel, at about $285 per vial? The answer may surprise you.

The gatekeepers of ambulatory surgery. Q&A with Meena S. Desai, MD, an anesthesia society leader and patient safety advocate.

4 keys to a sound patient warming strategy. Diminish the chilling impact of redistribution hypothermia.

What difficult veins? Imaging technology all but guarantees first-stick success when starting IVs.

Does your anesthesia service make the drade? Look for these qualities at the head of the OR table.

6 things MH experts want you to know. The MHAUS hotline medical director answers your most pressing questions.

The next-generation anesthesia machines. Technology updates make anesthesia delivery safer for patients and easier for providers.

A new way to manage post-op pain. The Perioperative Surgical Home model is revolutionizing patient care with preset clinical pathways for specific cases.

5 keys to managing sleep apnea. Pre-op assessments and taking the proper precautions on the day of surgery will help keep these high-risk patients safe.

How we prevent PONV. For at-risk patients, targeted interventions spell relief.

Connecticut provider tax could force centers to close across state. A 6% provider tax included in the state's new budget could force more than a dozen centers to shut down.

Insufficient evidence to link nail polish, rings to SSIs. New study suggests more research is needed to determine if nail polish and rings impact infection rates.

Colonoscopy patient's cell phone records doctor's insults. Jury: Anesthesiologist defamed unconscious patient during procedure-room conversation and must pay $500,000.

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