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5 tips for trialing surgical headlights. We brought in 12 vendors to set up a mini-trade show in the boardroom at the hospital.

How to choose a high-def endoscopic camera. The future is bright for laparoscopic imaging. Here's advice on making the best choice for your facility.

Legal Update: Are you paying your medical director fairly? The feds are clamping down on physician compensation arrangements.

3 key debates in same-day knee replacement. Experts discuss the roles of robotics, vendor reps and anesthesia in the outpatient evolution.

Thinking of Buying ... Flexible GI endoscope? Image quality and scope handling make the difference.

Anesthesia Alert: Putting 3 anesthesia dogmas to sleep. It's time to banish these old ideas about anesthesia.

Reuse orange mats to let SPD staff know there are sharps in the tray. Use this Idea That Works from San Jose, California.

FDA orders 3 duodenoscope makers to study scope use. The government says these postmarket surveillance studies will help to understand how the scopes are currently reprocessed.

Are EMRs putting patients in peril? Distracted Nurses Can't Do Their Jobs, Doc Argues

It's here: ICD-10 goes live. CMS providing additional resources as the new coding system's deadline finally arrives.

Do you have a culture of safety? Experts weigh in on why changing the environment of your OR is difficult, but essential.

How to conduct a safety sharps trial. Yes, you can get your docs to (at least) trial and (possibly) use safety sharps.

Reduce the risk of surgical smoke. It's time to take ownership in protecting yourself from potential harm.

5 truths about wrong-site surgery. In order to prevent the "never event," you need to understand what's causing it.

3 patient positioning pointers. The OR table can be a dangerous place for patients -- don't let nerve damage and skin injuries mar your surgical outcomes.

Are You Warming Patients Safely? Here's what you might be doing wrong -- and how to fix it.

Best practices in drug safety. Expert advice on proper medication storage, security and labeling.

A better way to eliminate retained surgical items. Accounting, not counting, will ensure no sponges are left behind.

MH drills can be a real life saver. My son is alive today because the surgical team did everything right.

New thoughts on radiation safety. A review of the literature adds clarity to the big picture.

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