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Fair and equal pay? As your level of responsibility rises, your paycheck should keep pace.
Cutting remarks: Why do patients blow off their surgeries? They don't have a ride home or maybe they're getting cold feet.
Ideas that work: waiting room. Our EMR keeps patients' escorts in the loop.
Death of anesthesiologist found along downtown Minneapolis freeway ruled an accident. Dr. Christopher Robert, apparently fell on his walk home from a workplace Christmas party, died of a blunt force head injury.
Mix-up at hospital costs woman her breast. Tissue samples taken from a woman in her 30s were confused with those of an older woman.
FDA reclassifies vaginal mesh as high-risk device and orders manufacturers to address safety concerns. The move is the latest effort to improve the safety of transvaginal pelvic organ prolapse procedures.
Study: Patients can shower 48 hours post-operatively without increasing SSI risk. Those who wash 2 days after surgery are also happier with their care, a new study finds.
Why surgeons turn up their tunes. Piano-playing physician studies what music brings to the OR table.
Doc, patient perform impromptu concert before surgery. Check out the urologist and his patient performing the "Tennessee Waltz" in pre-op.
Court: Hospital right to fire nurse after allegedly endangering patients. The nurse sued the hospital for wrongful termination, claiming she was let go not for unsafe OR practices, but for taking sick time.
32 hospitals billed outpatient kyphoplasty as inpatient procedure. Facilities that overcharged Medicare for kyphoplasty procedures to settle federal fraud case for $28 million.
Johnson & Johnson hit with $12.5 million judgment in mesh case. Engineer says company never considered how to remove the mesh if it failed.
Woman accuses hospital, physicians of covering up husband's death. Wife claims hospital and doctors lied about what really killed her husband.
Nursing ranks as most honest, ethical profession for 14th straight year. About 85% of Americans feel nurses are highly trustworthy (doctors came in 3rd with 67%).
Surgery's Spygate a dustup over product names. Novadaq sued Karl Storz over what it named its endoscopic imaging systems.
Do enzymatic detergents endanger ophthalmic patients? Three major ophthalmic groups point to links with TASS and other issues.
Bacterial outbreak mars free cataract surgery program for seniors. Seniors who received free cataract surgery also received vision-threatening infections.
FDA clears Sugammadex for Neuromuscular blockade reversal. Injectable may help patients recover sooner from medications used for intubation.
Jury awards patient nearly $80 million in defective hemorrhoid stapler case. Jury: Ethicon ignored defective stapler design that left patient severely injured.
Lawmakers seek to close EHR incentive loophole. We should find out today if ASC physicians will get a cut of federal payments.