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For all the benefits of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a persistent problem continues to plague one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures:...
The pain response is a built-in warning system, nature’s way of protecting us from further harm. Chronic pain is more like nature’s nagging nuisance....
Here’s a look at 5 promising ways to tamp down the intense, persistent post-surgical pain of orthopedic surgery....
The Case for Cleaner OR Air; We're gaining a better understanding of the infection risks posed by airborne pathogens - and how to mitigate them.
Inside Our Zero-Tolerance Policy for SSIs; A team-based approach to implementing comprehensive protocols has led to a significant dip in infection rates.
Automated Instrument Tracking Seeks and Finds for You; Take full control of every instrument, implant and disposable in your inventory.
On Point: Inching Closer to Zero; Innovation and collaboration will help eliminate preventable SSIs.
We Succeeded With Nasal Decolonization; Our protocol is easy to implement, cost-effective and widely accepted by patients.
Hold Anesthesia Providers; Accountable in the Battle Against SSIs Q&A with Silvia Munoz-Price, MD, PhD, infectious disease specialist and proponent of proper infection control practices.
Speed Up Your Sterile Processing; New technologies and solutions that can help your hard-working techs turn around instruments quickly and safely.
Surgery's Dirty Little Secret; A closer look at why contaminated instruments continue to turn up in too many ORs.
How Should You Manage Fluid Waste? You have several options to choose from, but only a few ways to do it safely.
A Proactive Approach To Preventing Hypothermia;Pre-warming was the difference-maker in our quest to maintain normothermia in patients from pre-op to PACU.
Solving the Surprising Skin Prep Problem; Believe it or not, there's a good chance your staff isn't complying with proper application protocols.
Halyard designed this one-size-fits-most cap with the latest surgical attire recommendations from AORN in mind: Headwear should completely confine hair...
Another reason to always read and follow IFUs: Some enzymatic detergents require that you test the water temperature before you clean instruments and devices...
Cleaning dirty endoscopes is a high priority, but the equally critical process of getting dirty scopes safely to the cleaning area — and keeping them clean on the way back...
When it comes to retained surgical items (RSI), you shouldn't assume anything, you should prove it. And if you don't see it, you should find it. Working in surgery,...
Your surgeons might have the greatest training, the most accurate technique and work with cutting-edge equipment, but they can’t fix what they can’t see. Lighted...
As patients' out-of-pocket healthcare costs continue to rise, more and more are taking out loans or lines of credit through their surgical facilities to cover their...