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Isador Lieberman, MD, MBA, FRCSC, was involved in the development of the original Mazor robot, and has been one of the pioneers and champions of robotic spine...
If your anesthesia providers rely on inhaled anesthetics and opioids, they're behind the times. As Gary Lawson, MD, says: "I used to knock out patients. Now I knock out...
You never want to sacrifice patient safety in your quest to start the next case as soon as possible. Here's a collection of tips to speed room turnover without jeopardizing...
Cataract surgeons continue to live somewhat dangerously in their efforts to prevent the rare but dangerous infection of post-op endophthalmitis. Topical prophylaxis...
The patient was saying all the right things, but something about the way she was acting seemed off. Turn on your observers, thought the receptionist. It's the motto...
The most common surgical malpractice claim is operative negligence, which arises when a plaintiff alleges that a surgeon deviated from the standard of care during...
Our hand hygiene compliance had gone to the dogs when the idea struck me to unleash my sweet English Bulldog, Lilly, on the problem. I took down our standard please...
Master the Mystery of Your Facility's Finances
It's Moral Injury, Not Burnout
Join the Surgical Smoke Evacuation Movement
Answers to Your Toughest Sterile Processing Questions
The Anatomy of a Lawsuit
What's on Tap for ORX 2019 in NOLA
Build a World-Class Total Joints Program
The Art & Science of Mindfulness Meditation
Demand More From Your Anesthesia Providers
Conquer Those Persistent Staffing Problems
2019 Conference Schedule
Proven Ways to Boost Your Patient Satisfaction Scores
Solving Healthcare's Cost Crisis