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Is Obamacare about to get trumped? We won't have to wait long to see how the President-elect's promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act will play out.
Say yes to opioid-free surgery. A hospital eliminated opioids from surgery and removed prescription painkillers from its post-op pain control protocol.
Business Advisor: We posted our prices online (you can, too). Pricing transparency is the surest way to appeal to self-pay patients.
Behind closed doors: Saving the shrew. Don't be a Grinch this holiday season.
Editor's page: follow the money. The math can be tricky in the business of surgery.
28 tips to improve arthroscopy efficiency. Keep cases moving, surgeons happy and profits flowing.
Put a positive spin on getting doctor's reports on time with this Idea That Works from Dallas, TX.
The latest and greatest in anesthesia. The American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting was jam-packed with innovative tools and products.
Anesthesia alert: Ever wonder how anesthesia gets paid? A crash course in base units and 15-minute increments of time.
Streamline room turnover. How to ready your ORs faster -- consistently, completely and without cutting corners.
Keep your employees free from harm. A number of hazards are lurking in your operating rooms.
Warming trends. What are your rules for keeping patients normothermic?
Staffing: vendor reps are people, too. Treat your surgical salespeople as strategic partners.
Ideas That Work: Stock Snacks in Your Office - Outpatient Surgery Maga
Store endoscopes and their parts together with this Idea That Works from Seaford, DE.
Make it easy to tell if your anesthesia equipment has been cleaned with this Idea That Works from Bloomington, MN.
Coding & billing: The absurdity of the ASC payment system. Why does Medicare pay surgical centers 50% of what hospitals receive?
Cutting remarks: The instrument approval gauntlet. Jumping through hoops to get that purchase order.
Where's the love? How to nurture a healthy central sterile supply-OR relationship.
Ideas That Work: Let Your Staff Know Their Ideas Matter - Outpatient S