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Eliminate specimen errors with this Idea That Works from Phoneix, Ariz.
Help weed out total joint patients who won't be a good fit with this Idea That Works from San Francisco, Calif.
Product News
Medical malpractice: 5 tips to avoid anesthesia lawsuits. Your best defense is to operate within the boundaries of good sense.
Keep the noise down in your facility with this Idea That Works from Atlanta, Ga.
Help surgeons get equipment upgrades with this Idea That Works from West Orange, N.J.
Business advisor: Clearing 8 common EHR hurdles. Anxious over a transition to electronic records? Fear not.
Is it time for an imaging upgrade? Amazing advances in surgical visualization deliver spectacular views, but which options are best for you?
10 questions to ask when choosing an anesthesia group. Make sure you get the service you deserve and demand from your providers.
What's hot in orthopedics? 7 neat, new products on display in the exhibit hall of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' Annual Meeting.
Behind closed doors: Who are we to judge our patients? You'll never know the depth of their scars, so try a little tenderness.
Going outpatient? Patients who used to pack overnight bags for these 5 procedures are now home in time for lunch.
Thinking of buying ... Medication safety products and devices. It's time to stop blaming, and start implementing available solutions.
Remind yourself of why you chose a career in health care with this Idea That Works from Philadelphia, Pa.
Try this Idea That Works to keep from going too deep during bronchoscopic intubations.
Make no mistake: Prepping the skin takes time. How to convince your surgeons and staff that a proper skin prep can't be rushed.
6 rules for rigid sterilization container use. Practical steps to ensure the barrier between impurities and your instruments remains strong.
Souped-up surface cleaning. Whole-room disinfection solutions and fine-tuned manual scrubbing will eradicate infection-causing microorganisms.
The lowdown on low-temp sterilization. Maximize your use of alternatives to the autoclave to reprocess heat-sensitive devices and flexible endoscopes.
5 burning questions about patient warming. Separating fact from fiction on ways to prevent hypothermia and lower infection risks.