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Safety: What good are surgical safety checklists? They're effective only if your team uses them -- and uses them properly.

See the best new products in ophthalmology. Our cataract surgeon's nominations for the hottest products on display in the ASCRS exhibit hall.

7 efficiency-boosting anesthesia products. These solutions help you move patients from pre-op to discharge as quickly and as safely as possible.

Thinking of buying a new anesthesia machine? If features don't add value to patient care in the outpatient environment, you can end up overspending.

5 tips for continuous nerve block success. Seasoned pros share their secrets for managing post-op pain long after patients leave your facility.

Manning the MHAUS hotline. Answers to 10 common questions about malignant hyperthermia.

What makes us anesthesia providers tick. Head-of-the table insights for getting the most out of your providers.

The quest for patient-pleasing anesthesia. 10 ways your anesthesia providers can boost patient satisfaction.

The case for capnography. Monitoring of end tidal CO2 is an essential patient safety practice your facility shouldn't be without.

Tools for better airway management. Advanced devices and expert techniques have anesthesia providers — and their patients — breathing easier.

Surgery's role in slowing the opioid epidemic. Q&A with TJ Gan, MD, MBA, MHS, FRCA, internationally known post-pain management expert.

The golden age of surgical video. Surgeons now have unmatched views of the surgical field.

The changing face of chronic pain management. The opioid epidemic is forcing pain physicians to put down their prescription pad and embrace interventional pain treatments.

The newest entries in minimally invasive surgery. The SAGES exhibit hall was a showcase for innovative GI and endoscopic products.

Partial to uni knees. What's fueling the growing demand for unicompartmental knee replacement?

Get attention during time outs with this Idea That Works from Warren, Mich.

Avoid chasing after doctors for a reconciliation form with this Idea That Works from Fayetteville, Ark.

Ideas That Work:??? Secret to Scoring a Higher Starting Salary - Outpa

Take our medication safety quiz. Just like look-alike and sound-alike drugs, things aren't always as they seem.

The power to prevent SSIs. New tools give you the upper hand in the fight against infections.

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