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Editor's page: Those who are bullied bully right back. Now we know why the oppressed eat their young and each other.

Behind closed doors: Creatures of habit. The rituals and routines of an OR nurse.

4 ways to accessorize your ophthalmic microscope. A look at the value in investing in the latest add-ons for your scopes.

Safety: Quiet, Please: Noise distractions in the OR. Silence is golden during the critical stages of surgery.

Need help launching your total joints program? Leading orthopedic implant companies can assist you in starting a same-day joint replacement program.

Ease the fear before surgery for kids. Use your monitors for this Idea That Works.

Endoscope reprocessing from start to finish. Is perfection possible every time when disinfecting scopes?

Confirm the correct surgical procedure with this Idea That Works.

A deep dive into surface disinfection. Our infection control consultant has 10 questions for your cleaning crew.

Editor's page: A day of surgeries and zero opioids. Will alternative pain management techniques go mainstream?

Try this crafty Idea That Works for recycling your medication vial caps.

Take a uniform approach to cleaning the OR with this Idea That Works.

Winning with nerve blocks. 20 little-known facts about regional anesthesia that could be holding you back.

When bilateral total knees make total sense. With the right patients and right protocols, there's no good reason not to double up.

How to stamp out astigmatism. The 5 keys to surgical success with astigmatism correction.

Improve your arthroscopy imaging. Clearer, sharper views in your orthopedic ORs will let surgeons perform safer and more efficient surgery.

Safety: Avoid opioid-related respiratory depression. Continuous electronic monitoring tops pulse oximetry or spot checks.

Increase awareness and improve patient safety with this Idea That Works.

The latest in image-guided ENT surgery. Technology and techniques are improving for the treatment of advanced sinus surgeries.

With this Idea That Works, staff can have what they need without hunting it down.

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