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5 Strategies to Reduce Total Knee Costs; Bundling is coming — here's how to achieve efficiency and control costs.

Can You Pass This Decontamination Quiz? See how well you know all that your reprocessing techs need to know.

Looney Toons; Another Use for Your Big-Screen Monitor

Why Look at the Ceiling: Walking into the OR Helps Reduce Anxiety

Hydrocolloid Dressing; Prevent IV Hub Pressure Ulcers

Behind Closed Doors; Only an OR Nurse Would Understand

Do You Care to Clear the Air? Can new airflow and air purification products help solve the drawbacks of traditional ceiling-to-floor laminar airflow?

The Count Is Off - Now What? We created a step-by-step poster to resolve incorrect counts and hung it on every OR wall.

3 Golden Rules of Fluid Waste Disposal; Follow these tips for safe, economical liquid waste management.

Editor's Page: Can You Teach an Old Guy New Apps?

No Interruptions; Quiet, Please: Instrument Set Assembly in Progress

A Millennial Nurse Uncovers the Truth About Millennial Nurses; Tap into the potential of younger nurses by finding out what makes them tick.

High Reliability for a Highly Unreliable World; Controlling what you can control ensures inevitable human errors never result in patient harm.

Why Do I Feel So Overwhelmed? It's easy to feel burned out as a surgical leader, but there are proven ways to manage the stress and lighten your load.

Yes, We Built a Total Joints Surgery Center; Jump-start your conference with lessons on laying the foundation for long-term success in outpatient surgery's hottest specialty.

Distracted Doctoring; Put down your cell phones and turn away from computer screens to focus on what matters most: concentrated patient care.

Mixed Reality in Surgery: Dare to Creatively Disrupt; The first surgeon to ever use Google Glass in the OR touts the technology that's poised to redefine how you perform surgery.

Exploring Fort Lauderdale; There's plenty to see and do in and around the beautiful Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa.

Intro Letter - OR Excellence 10th Anniversary Preview

The Nurse Manager's Role in Patient Safety; It's your responsibility to create an environment that ensures staff remain vigilant about protecting those in their care.

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