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Julie Greenhalgh, RN, BSN, CNOR, began her career in the OR in 1975. After 42 years of inhaling surgical smoke, her lungs couldn’t take it anymore. She left the OR a couple years ago for the smoke-free sanctuary of office-based surgery...

Ideas That Work: Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep; Can Your Staff Use A Fire Extinguisher?

Infection Prevention: Borescopes: Your Eyes on the Inside; Shed some light on the dark side of your devices.

Cool Cataract Surgery Advances; These innovations promise to take ophthalmology's tried-and-true procedure to the next level.

Product News; Great ideas for your OR

Breaking the 3-Minute Turnover; Secrets to cleaning rooms in record time - and not missing a spot.

Keys to Safe Spine Surgery Positioning; The keys to injury prevention - neutral positioning and proactive padding.

6 Ways to Stamp Out Superbugs; Healthcare-associated infections are on the decline, but antibiotic-resistant bacteria remain a constant threat.

When the Robot Malfunctions; Prepare for the unexpected so glitches don't lead to disastrous outcomes.

Ideas That Work: Puppet Show; Toby the Puppy Greets Pediatric Patients

Ideas That Work: First-Name Basis; Embroidered Scrub Caps Make Close-Knit Teams

Behind Closed Doors: All We Want for Christmas; Santa's going to need a bigger sleigh to hold these presents.

Reimbursement Update: Medicare Payment Rule a Big Win for ASCs; Breaking down the good news for ambulatory surgical centers.

Ideas That Work: Staff Satisfaction; Organized OR Turnovers? Check!

Self-Care: 8 Steps to Make Self-Care Part of Your Routine; Simple practices to keep yourself on your priority list.

Thinking of Buying... Patient Warming Devices; Exploring the many ways to prevent hypothermia.

Ideas That Work: Perpetual Inventory; Bin Rotation System Keeps Supplies Constantly Replenished

Safety: Need Help Establishing a Culture of Safety? This survey self-assessment tool will identify areas of needed improvement.

10 Hot, New Anesthesia Products; Highlights from the exhibit hall at the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Staffing: 8 Scheduling Tips to Make Staffing Easier; Late differentials, staggered start times and other creative solutions.

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