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There are plenty of reasons more surgeons are turning to non-traditional ways to improve their wound-closure techniques and improve the overall healing process....
When Regions Hospital in St. Paul, Minn., wanted to step up its sustainability efforts, placing more recycling bins around the facility was a great start. But too many staff were still uncertain about what should be recycled...
Sometimes all it takes to put younger patients at ease before surgery is a friend — a furry one they can squeeze to death in the OR and take home with them after the procedure is over. That’s the idea behind...
Supply chain issues during the pandemic caused deliveries of Diet Coke, Mountain Dew and other sodas to be delayed at Vance Thompson Vision in Sioux Falls, S.D. When the soda deliveries went away in 2020, the facility’s leadership...
Forcing loved ones to sit in their vehicles in the parking lot as part of COVID-19 restrictions made The Toledo (Ohio) Clinic Outpatient Surgery Center’s job of providing the best possible patient experience more difficult...
Virtual reality (VR) combines immersive, scalable technology with engaging and affordable education platforms to provide what many experts believe will become...
Days fill up fast when you’re managing a busy surgical facility, and it’s often difficult to remember — or find the time — to get out from behind your desk to connect with staff, see how they’re doing and answer questions they have...
The pandemic has highlighted the important work performed by surgical professionals and infection preventionists in surgery centers across the country as concerns...
Your Plates Are Full; Outpatient surgery leaders are paid well, but some wonder if their salaries meet the level of the expanding responsibilities they’re managing during the ongoing pandemic.
Patients who experience numbness and pain in their hands — the telltale symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome — can opt to have the condition treated with open surgery...
The start of a new year is a natural time to take stock of what’s going on in your life and decide if you need to change things up. Resolutions are fun to read about and easy fodder for social media, but the “new year, new me...”
Virginia Alan knew she needed a total hip replacement before traveling to Paris with her husband to celebrate their wedding anniversary. She also assumed the procedure...
Congratulations to the 2021 OR Excellence Awards Winners and Honorable Mentions
A look back at 2021 to discover what most impacted the outpatient surgery community.
A patient of mine who had undergone previous spine surgeries came to me complaining of hip and back pain. He wasn’t in a position to have another surgery on his back any time soon, so I focused on treating...
Healthmark Industries now offers X-ray vests and aprons made with a nylon fabric and equipped with lead-free material as part of its line of Cool Aids personal cooling products. The weight of the garments is evenly...
I’m feeling festive for the first time in forever. My Christmas tree went up the day after Halloween this year. That’s how excited I am for the holiday season. Granted, it’s an artificial one — not my standard farm-fresh six-footer...
I’m a nurse with more than 30 years of OR experience who has undergone my fair share of surgeries. Recently, an elective procedure mishap resulted in four subsequent surgeries over the course of five months...
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