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The art of the IV start. Slide in smoothly with first-stick success, even on barely visible and rolling veins.

How to handle Ebola waste removal. The Nebraska Medical Center shares its best practices.

Keep your mop handles upright and limit tripping with this Idea That Works from Fairfax, Virginia.

The Surgeons' Lounge: A safer anesthetic. Will Phaxan challenge propofol's dominance?

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Check for outdated supplies quickly and easily with this Idea That Works from Orange Park, Florida.

Slip IV needles into the vein much easier with this Idea That Works Willmar Surgical Center.

The hard costs of SSIs. Preventing post-op infections is more cost-effective than treating them.

The Surgeons' Lounge: Celebrated career. Ohio nurse retires after 50 years in the OR.

Surgeon accused of massive insurance fraud. Feds cite litany of unnecessary and sham surgeries.

The Top 10 Health Technology Hazards. Alarms still top the list, but with a new emphasis.

ASC administrator claims docs forced her out after she investigated claims of sexual harassment against them. Lawsuit alleges doctors retaliated against administrator after she investigated employee claims of sexual harassment.

FDA recommends black box warning for power morcellators. Agency says morcellation may spread unsuspected cancer.

California pain doc settles fraudulent billing charges for $1.2M. Whistleblower lawsuit uncovered the upcoding of medical services.

Alabama hospital files suit to halt construction of competitor's ASC. Medical center claims that competing hospital took too long to start project after obtaining certificate of need in 2009.

Doris Parker, RN, returns today to her native Liberia to help curb Ebola. "As a nurse, this is what you do: You take care of people," she said before leaving for her 3-month mission.

Participation high in Medicare's ASC quality reporting. Nearly 99% of certified facilities successfully completed the program this year.

Health Plan of Nevada settles Hepatitis C lawsuits. Insurer settles with patients who contracted disease during 2008 outbreak.

New treatment for obesity relies on embolization. A minimally invasive procedure may decrease the appetite hormone.

Plastic surgeon accused of writing fake prescriptions to fuel his addiction. Seattle doc allegedly wrote himself more than 250 prescriptions for amphetamines.

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