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Staffing: Deal with difficult employees head on. Deal With Difficult Employees Head On If you can't curb their bad behavior, get rid of the offenders.
Medical Malpractice: suits from slips, trips and falls. What's your liability when a patient takes a tumble at your facility?
Business Advisor: Time to dust off those preference cards. Ensuring they're accurate and up to date pays off in big ways.
Anesthesiologist accused of failing to respond while woman, 29, slipped away. Wrongful death suit also questions how well equipped freestanding surgical centers are to handle emergencies.
How did "Never Events" become routine? Ineffective time outs cause 4 wrong-sites within 40 days.
7-year study finds Outpatient Total Hips safe, effective. No medical or surgical events were seen as risks.
Anesthesiologist faces up to 70 years in prison for billing scheme. The doc submitted claims for procedures performed when he was actually in another state or on his private jet.
Watch the news report: Patients who suffered severe burns from fires during surgery. TV news piece investigates the pain and the lawsuits that followed a rash of surgical fires in Washington, D.C., area.
Are anesthesia opt-outs worth it? Study sees less action in states where physicians don't supervise CRNAs.
Olympus agrees to record kickback settlement.
Do pre-op injections cause post-op infections? Studies probe steroids' role in joint replacement complications.
When is it okay for patients to bring in their own medications? A pharmacy consultant says you need to have a clear policy.
Study: Stair-climbing speed accurately predicts surgical complications. Researchers say it outperformed the ACS risk calculator.
Did hospital fire nurse for lengthy pre-op phone calls? Linda Boly, RN, was written up 3 times for failing to meet productivity quotas.
"Drunk on call." Nurse at VA hospital assisted surgery while under the influence.
Nurses who are devalued and shamed more likely to err. Video: Kathleen Bartholomew, RN, MN, dissects the nursing profession's hierarchical culture.
Did hospital discriminate against allegedly suicidal CRNA? Court says hospital acted reasonably when it put her on extended leave.
Fentanyl diversion at Colorado Hospital exposes patients to hepatitis. The surgical tech implicated in the theft has reportedly been in trouble before for drug-related offenses.