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Financial Management: This ENT center sees strength in numbers. The Surgery Center of Fort Wayne, Ind., takes a team approach to purging unnecessary costs.
SSI Prevention: A bridge between infection prevention and the OR. A late career switch stamping out surgical site infections.
Patient Safety: "Burning Bruce" drives home the reality of surgical fires. Frighteningly realistic drills are the norm for the Stony Point Surgery Center.
Secrets to speedy OR turnover times. How to turn rooms over safely and efficiently.
4 game-changing advances in surgical video. New technology is providing stunning clarity and a whole lot more.
Keep people from entering a restricted area with this Idea That Works from Mass.
Use this Idea That Works to let staff know the patient isn't ready for the OR yet.
Safety: Are You Ready for a Disaster? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Reduce medication errors with this Idea That Works from New York.
Staff Safety: Standing up for surgical smoke safety. The staff at Dosher Memorial Hospital banded together to protect themselves — and surgeons — from the dangers of toxic plumes.
Know when a bay is cleaned and ready for a patient with this Idea That Works from Texas.
Pain Control: When total joint patients want to kick up their heels. At Houston Physicians' Hospital, a multifaceted initiative has dramatically improved pain scores and recoveries.
Thinking of Buying ... Video laryngoscopes. For intubations, a new standard of care is within sight.
Behind Closed Doors: You Might Work in the OR If ... - Outpatient Surg
Staffing: 7 Simple staff appreciation ideas. Easy, low-cost ways to let your team know you value them.
Environmental Stewardship: How to become a green machine. Environmentally conscious Deaconess Hospital finds value in a recycling program aimed at "doing what's right."
Feds: Sightpath lured eye surgeons with luxury trips for nearly a decade. Mobile cataract surgery outsourcing firm allegedly took ophthalmologists on luxury skiing vacations and high-end fishing, golfing and hunting trips to persuade them to use its servi
Anatomy of a scam: materials manager and his accomplice allegedly bilked facility into buying supplies it never received. Two men, including the ASC's former materials manager, have been indicted on multiple counts of fraud for allegedly scheming $1
Jury Clears GI Doc of Negligence in Colon Cancer Suit. A jury found David Vastola, DO, not negligent in performing a 2011 colonoscopy on a patient who 18 months later presented with terminal colon cancer.
Study: Long-Term Opioid Use Rarely Starts With Surgery. Patients leaving the hospital after surgery are rarely the ones whose chronic opioid use started with a surgeon's prescription.