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No More Heavy Lifting; Gel Wedge Positions GI Patients So Your Nurses Won't Have To
Medication Services; Which Drugs Did Patients Receive?
By the Script; Talking Points Guide Pre-op Phone Calls
Are You Doing Enough to Prevent Pressure Injuries; Proper patient positioning will protect patients' skin from avoidable harm.
Safety: Can You Spot the Drug Safety Hazard?
Staffing: From Buddy to Boss
When Will Your State Outlaw Surgical Smoke? Last month, Rhode Island passed the first state law mandating surgical smoke evacuation. It could help clear the air in ORs across the country.
Editor's Page: Can You Teach an Old Guy New Apps?
No Interruptions; Quiet, Please: Instrument Set Assembly in Progress
Intro Letter - OR Excellence 10th Anniversary Preview
The Nurse Manager's Role in Patient Safety; It's your responsibility to create an environment that ensures staff remain vigilant about protecting those in their care.
Exploring Fort Lauderdale; There's plenty to see and do in and around the beautiful Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa.
Distracted Doctoring; Put down your cell phones and turn away from computer screens to focus on what matters most: concentrated patient care.
Mixed Reality in Surgery: Dare to Creatively Disrupt; The first surgeon to ever use Google Glass in the OR touts the technology that's poised to redefine how you perform surgery.
Yes, We Built a Total Joints Surgery Center; Jump-start your conference with lessons on laying the foundation for long-term success in outpatient surgery's hottest specialty.
A Millennial Nurse Uncovers the Truth About Millennial Nurses; Tap into the potential of younger nurses by finding out what makes them tick.
Why Do I Feel So Overwhelmed? It's easy to feel burned out as a surgical leader, but there are proven ways to manage the stress and lighten your load.
High Reliability for a Highly Unreliable World; Controlling what you can control ensures inevitable human errors never result in patient harm.
Ideas That Work: Pamper Your Staff; /issues/2018/06/ideas-that-work-pamper-your-staff
Who's Handling Your Patient Satisfaction Surveys? The postponement of the OAS CAHPS program shouldn't delay your search for a CMS-approved vendor.