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Inside Our Zero-Tolerance Policy for SSIs; A team-based approach to implementing comprehensive protocols has led to a significant dip in infection rates.
Hold Anesthesia Providers; Accountable in the Battle Against SSIs Q&A with Silvia Munoz-Price, MD, PhD, infectious disease specialist and proponent of proper infection control practices.
Surgery's Dirty Little Secret; A closer look at why contaminated instruments continue to turn up in too many ORs.
Solving the Surprising Skin Prep Problem; Believe it or not, there's a good chance your staff isn't complying with proper application protocols.
How Should You Manage Fluid Waste? You have several options to choose from, but only a few ways to do it safely.
A Proactive Approach To Preventing Hypothermia;Pre-warming was the difference-maker in our quest to maintain normothermia in patients from pre-op to PACU.
Washington State Senator Creates Social Media Firestorm with Nurses 'Playing Cards' Comment; Lawmaker has received thousands of angry calls and comments - and 667 packages of playing cards in the mail.
Suspect Logged Into Electronic Prescription Program as Ophthalmologist to Fraudulently Issue Opioid Scripts; In a little more than a year, woman illegally wrote 73 prescriptions and obtained more than 5K pills.
Marijuana Users May Need Higher Doses of Sedatives Before Endoscopy; Study participants needed significantly more fentanyl, midazolam and more propofol than non-users.
Brainlab Recalls Spine & Trauma 3D Navigation 1.0 Software Due to Display Inaccuracies; The class 1 recall applies to 60 U.S. systems.
FDA Orders Withdrawal Of Transvaginal Surgical Mesh From Market; FDA orders Boston Scientific and Coloplast to stop selling and distributing surgical mesh.
Scott Augustine, MD, begins an hourlong pitch about the dangers of the Bair Hugger forced-air patient warming system he invented — and is now campaigning against...
The next time you need a lesson in radiation safety, pop your head into a procedure room to watch an interventional pain doc at work....
Restaurant gift cards are nice, but if you’re looking for a way to honor your nurses for their extraordinary compassionate and skillful care in a way they’ll cherish long...
Patients often neglect to share important health information with their anesthesia providers before surgery. They might not realize that taking ginkgo biloba for memory,...
Can a urology waiting room designed to look more like a locker room prod men to get a prostate exam? The urology department at Mount Sinai Health System is...
More and more, I wonder if I'm still outpatient surgery material. I don't mean writing for Outpatient Surgery Magazine, but rather keeping up with all those pretty, perky...
Our nurses and techs used to crawl around on their hands and knees in search of a suture needle missing from the final count. Not only were we at risk of a needlestick,...
There aren't many versions available in the U.S. right now, but single-use, disposable cystoscopes and ureteroscopes are beginning to make an impact in outpatient...
If you've worked in an OR, you know the horror stories about surgical smoke. It could be the surgeon who never touched a cigarette suddenly developing lung cancer, the nurse...