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The modern X-ray is a story of progress, transitioning from film to the digital era alongside many other modern technologies....
Surgical site infections (SSIs), among the most common complications in health care, are responsible for delayed wound healing, hospital readmissions...
I may be aging myself, but I trained in an era that was all laparoscopy and endoscopy; there was no robotics at the time....
Medication safety can be a matter of life and death. The RaDonda Vaught case served as a wakeup call about the importance...
If you give a patient the choice between a one-and-a-half-centimeter incision on the crease in their wrist with a speedy recovery prognosis or a four-to-five...
One way to understand the current landscape of office-based surgery is to think back to a time when both patients and payers were unsure about what ASCs could do....
Innovation in instrumentation is something I’m passionate about because advances in the tools we use can help me, as an academic orthopedic surgeon...
For Dr. Mieres and the team at Northwell, diversity is ultimately about improving health care for everybody....
Administrators and ambulatory surgery center (ASC) leaders play a key role in ensuring that their organizations are properly governed....
Welcome to A Day in the Life of an Administrator, our new online column, where we sat down with Carson McCafferty, MSN, RN, CNOR, CNAMB, CSRN...
I’ve been in the infection prevention program here at UnityPoint Health - Meriter for about 12 years, where I split my time between doing disease...
A safe and efficient sterile processing department is a cornerstone of every facility’s infection prevention and safety efforts....
The intraoperative normothermia compliance rate at our 25-OR facility was 56% in September 2021, far lower than the numbers from our...
It’s probably a good policy to avoid sticking your nose in everyone’s business. But when it comes to infection prevention, hospitals and surgery centers...
The surgical services team at Ascension St. Vincent Mercy Hospital, a critical access hospital in Elwood, Ind., is proud of the exacting standards that we hold...
Surgical site infections (SSIs) can be reduced when leaders standardize the preoperative skin preparation solutions and protocols their...
The road to poor infection prevention practices is often paved with good intentions from staff. That’s why Michelle Barron, MD, is such a...
During the pandemic — and even before the arrival of COVID-19 — many healthcare facilities tapped into the high-tech power of whole room...
The infection preventionist epitomizes the concept of on-the-job training. There’s no university degree that solely prepares you for a...
As a child I loved games. These tests of wit, luck and athletic ability taught me everything I needed to know about winning, losing and life....