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Prevent fiberoptic endoscopes from bending or breaking with this scope holster. An Idea That Works from Midtown Medical Center in Columbus, Georgia.
Overcome the obstacles in online pre-admissions. Early adopters share what they've learned.
Safety-engineered sharps and trays provide passing protection. Equip your ORs for sharps safety.
Can we get to zero? Yes, experts say it can be done. Prevent wrong-site surgeries.
Can ventral hernia surgery be profitable? Facility leaders say it starts with communication and cost control.
Limited-use instruments and devices save money and prevent waste. Making the case for reposables.
Convert your stretcher table to a hand table with this Idea That Works from Seven Hills Surgery Center in Henderson, Nevada.
Make the removal of tegaderm painless. Stretch it, don't peel it. An Idea That Works from Maryville Surgical Center in Tennessee.
Recent innovations are bringing everything into sharper focus. See It Now: Advances in GI Visualization.
Avoid inaccurat CO2 capnogrphy readings with this Idea That Works from the Delmont Surgery Center in Greensburg, Pa.
Let staff find replacement when calling off. Save time and money with this Idea That Works from Wooster Ambulatory Surgery Center in Ohio.
Reward your busiest surgeons with 2 teams. An Idea That Works from Hutchinson Ambulatory Surgery Center in Kansas.
Remove Duraprep with hand sanitizer. An Idea That Works from Advanaced Ambulatory Surgery Center in Redlands, California.
Airway disaster averted. How to avoid losing airways — and how to save the day when something goes wrong.
Thinking of buying contract anesthesia services? Pick the right provider for your facility's needs.
FDA lifts recall on popular fluid waste management device. Neptune 2 is back on the market.
Remind employees about the 5 safe behaviors with custom floor decals. An Idea That Works from Mayo Clinic Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona.
How to get your surgeons to comply with the revised guidelines. The CDC is expected to advocate alcohol-based skin preps.
An evidence-based comparison provides answers to your stocking questions. Why scrub when you can rub?
What does the latest literature recommend on skin antisepsis and hair removal? Read the science of skin prepping.