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Today’s anesthesia machines are a whir of respiration readings, gas flow displays and inspired oxygen feedback, but the high-tech bells and electronic whistles are more...

There are no shortage of reasons to make preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) a top priority, as this problematic complication often prolongs...

Over the past decade, prefilled syringes have become a popular method of drug delivery in outpatient surgery centers....

Regional anesthesia has emerged as a valuable technique in the outpatient surgery world, offering effective pain management, reduced opioid consumption...

Difficult airway scenarios in the ASC present life-threatening events that continue to be significant factors in patient injury, death and subsequent malpractice claims...

In the ambulatory surgery environment, regional anesthesia is a go-to technique for reducing postoperative pain....

Recently I was asked to put together a presentation on avoiding common mistakes in credentialing, privileging and peer review....

Welcome to A Day in the Life of an Administrator, our online column, where we sat down with Rob Taylor, RN, BS, IP, clinical director and total joints coordinator...

These days, you can’t turn on the TV without being assaulted by drug commercials promising to improve everything from your erection to your opioid-induced constipation...

Expanding the landscape of surgeries for Medicare patients at ASCs in 2024 does not look promising....

Training and education are at the forefront of everything we do in patient care. Unfortunately, when it comes to expanding the knowledge and skills...

I’m a sucker for traditions. Those set-your-clock-to-it moments you look forward to all year....

If you want staff to be more engaged and active in quality improvement and other care-related initiatives, think small....

ASCs are required by accreditors like AAAHC to educate staff and complete scenario-based simulations on “internal disaster” topics such as malignant hyperthermia...

Being the only transgender man in the Medical-Surgical unit at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Mick Masaba, RN, BSN...

Bend (Ore.) Surgery Center has been operating for more than a quarter-century and, for its leaders, showing appreciation to staff has always been baked into the ASC’s mission....

The volume potential in a GI center creates unique challenges and opportunities, whether you are just starting out or have been offering GI cases for years....

Sure, a successful surgery in the patient’s eyes means waking up and knowing they will soon have their mobility and, essentially, their quality of life back....

Our health system acquired part of an under-utilized shopping mall and converted it into a surgery center.....

One evening this August, more than 350 local doctors, athletes, celebrities and business leaders attended a cocktail reception in Marina del Rey, Calif....

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