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The state of the art in astigmatism correction. Intraoperative aberrometry and image-guided systems help you deliver premium results to your premium patients.

Clear visibility ahead. Do your laparoscopic surgeons have unobstructed views?

Editor's Page: Deadly case of distracted doctoring. Don't let technology come between you and your patients.

Prepare like a pro for your accreditation survey. 5 ways to stress less when the surveyor comes calling.

Surgeons' Lounge: Fluid in, fluid out. DIY urinals - Recycle sterile surgical fluid bottles to measure urine output.

Product news including; drawMD, EnteroMedics, Cannulated PediGuard, Intelliguard RFID Smart Drawer, Narrow Band Imaging (NBI), and Seamless MD.

6 patient safety enhancers. Give your staff the tools they need to prevent harm.

Medical Malpractice: Are you getting the full picture on your docs? You have to look long and hard to verify a physician's credentials.

Surgeons' Lounge: Pushing propofol. 5 arguments against RN-administered propofol.

Surgeons' Lounge: Vapor victory. E-Cigarettes show the dangers of surgical smoke.

Behind Closed Doors: New eyes in the OR. What you learn when you're teaching.

Surgeons' Lounge: Conversation with L. Michael Brunt, MD. The future of surgery is less invasive

Deadly duodenoscopes? Is a long-overlooked cross-contamination risk endangering your patients?

Surgeons' Lounge: By the numbers.

The power of innovation in power tools. They're getting lighter, smarter and more versatile.

Increase efficiency in moving patients with this Idea That Works.

Surgeons' Lounge: Paperwork Plus - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March

Is your OR up for a best picture award? Nothing matters more to your laparoscopic surgeons than the quality of the image on the screen.

Use this Idea That Works to ensure that all bottles are clearly marked with the date when you need to remove them.

Thinking of buying ... LED surgical lights. The cool, bright, efficient systems have become OR standards.

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