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Best Practices for Reprocessing Lumened Instruments. Don't let these tricky instruments slip by without a thorough cleaning.
15 questions on patient warming. Can you ace our pop quiz on preventing hypothermia?
What's new in minimally invasive surgery? It's all about improved visualization and less trauma at this year's SAGES Annual Meeting.
Make everone aware of what materials go in a sharps container with this Idea That Works from Morristown, New Jersey.
Airway management for tiny customers. Pediatric patients can present a unique set of challenges.
Editor's Page: Guilty ... Until the charges are dropped. How do you defend yourself against unfounded accusations?
Medical Malpractice: Cleared for surgery? You should have a clear protocol for obtaining medical clearances.
Behind Closed Doors: The Hit List. Shuffle through a day of surgery with these tunes.
Protect patients from accidental exposure to dirty endoscopes with this Idea That Works from Columbus, Ohio.
Shopping for surgery. How to make the self-pay model work for you and your patients.
Time for the Tournament of Champions! We're ready to crown a new winning team. Will you be on it?
Time to revamp your sterile processing department. Instrument sterilization is more complex than ever (can you say duodenoscopes?). Are your techs up to speed?
Find new friends at OR Excellence. Networking is easier at ORX thanks to its personal feel and intimate atmosphere.
Latest advances in post-surgical pain management. New multimodal analgesia techniques are revolutionizing how we treat post-operative pain.
Hope to see you in San Antonio for ORX VII. Come feel the difference at surgery's funnest, friendliest conference.
Doctor-Nurse Relationships: How to make them great. Learn how to bridge the physician-nurse gap in this special morning workshop.
Lessons learned from the death of Joan Rivers. The highly publicized incident is a wake-up call for all facilities.
Make connections in the ORX Exhibit Hall. Wine tasting and Martini Madness augment the evening.
The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it. A former NFL player who lost his arm to cancer gained something in return: a unique understanding of what it takes to fight back and win.
2015 OR Excellence schedule at a glance.