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Anesthesia's latest and greatest. A recap of the hottest new technologies on display at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Behind Closed Doors: The OR manager's holiday gift list. Any of these items would look great in our ORs.

In case you missed it. Top 10 viewed news features on

Make new hires into vets and keep longtime vets on their toes with this Idea That Works from Newport News, Virginia.

Cutting Remarks: The joys of ICD-10 documentation. The new coding system requires equal parts precision and patience.

Help speed OR turnovers between cases with this Idea That Works from Chico, California.

4 burning questions about patient warming. A skirmish over the science of warming is heating up.

Ideas That Work: Innovative ideas. Cleaning up the mess

Keep your stethoscopes from wandering off with this Idea That Works from Washington.

Thinking of Buying Arthroscopy imaging consoles. They're the brains of the operation.

New currents in electrosurgery. Recent innovations are improving safety and convenience.

Editor's Page: Up for debate. Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of rules and regulations?

Anesthesia Alert: An infection risk at the head of the table? There might be if your anesthetists practice poor hand hygiene.

Ideas That Work: Innovative ideas. Take the Scare Out of Care for Pediatric Patients

10 abdominal surgery advances. Innovative techniques and tools continue to move the ball forward.

A new way to clean GI scopes. Some are calling for a shift in endoscope reprocessing from high-level disinfection to steam sterilization.

Product News

The role of real-time intraoperative imaging. Efficiency and accessibility were an unexpected focus of our imaging upgrade.

Cutting Remarks: Bad blood. All bleeding eventually stops. I just wish it would never start.

Help boost staff spirit and promote self-confidence with this Idea That Works from Fremont, California.

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