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Substance abuse in surgery. Providers with alcohol and drug problems put themselves, and their patients, at risk.

Schedule at a Glance - ORX Session Previews - June, 2016

Making of a healthcare leader. Providing patient care and managing surgical services are very different worlds.

Join the price transparency revolution. Are you ready to post your prices online? Your patients are watching and waiting.

Fear: The hidden killer. Being afraid to speak up cripples communication, prevents teamwork and leads to tragic results.

You're going to love OR Excellence. Fast facts about surgery's friendliest conference and the gorgeous resort.

Ethical decision-making during a disaster. Do you agree with the life-and-death choice made by the medical staff of one New Orleans hospital in the desperate days after Hurricane Katrina?

Staffing: How to run a thorough background check. Get to know potential new hires with a careful employee screening.

Let staffers quickly and easily grab needed crash cart supplies with this Idea That Works from Bloomington, Indiana.

The evolving business of cataract outsourcing. Companies are doing much more than renting out phacos and techs to run them.

Editor's Page: The Dirty Secret to Recycling in the OR - Outpatient Su

Keep track of physicians' preferences with this Idea That Works from Springfield, MO.

Seeing surgery in a different light. How image enhancement technology improves patient outcomes.

Take our medication management quiz. 22 questions on pharmacology principles and safe medication practices.

See cool new toys for your orthopods. After seeing dozens of innovative tools and instruments on the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons' exhibit hall floor, these are the ones that really stood out.

Handling tough anesthesia cases. Obesity, sleep apnea and PONV are the enemies. Are your anesthetists ready to take them on?

Coding & Billing: ICD-10-CM external cause codes say it all. These add-on codes add more detail to your claims.

Create an instant sound system in the OR with this Idea That Works from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Make smoke evacuation second nature with this Idea That Works from Westerville, Ohio.

Thinking of Buying ... A Spine Surgery Table - Outpatient Surgery Maga

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