Safety: How safe are your medication practices? Reduce the risk of errors by reinforcing these 6 practice improvements.
A checklist is only as effective as team using it. To reap its safety benefits, you've got to use your checklist right.
Strategies to prevent retained objects. What you can do to ensure that nothing's left behind.
Reduce the risk of pressure ulcers. Skin injuries can occur without preventative measures in place.
Safety: Time for a new surgical checklist. It starts earlier, ends later, saves time and prevents complications.
New currents in electrosurgery. Recent innovations are improving safety and convenience.
Our new heavyweight table. The $75,000 workhorse has a 1,200-pound weight capacity and a host of other safety features.
Safety: Keys to smooth patient handoffs. Relay the patient's condition clearly and concisely.
3 patient positioning pointers. The OR table can be a dangerous place for patients -- don't let nerve damage and skin injuries mar your surgical outcomes.
5 truths about wrong-site surgery. In order to prevent the "never event," you need to understand what's causing it.
The Constant Quest for Zero - Staff & Patient Safety - October, 2015
Best practices in drug safety. Expert advice on proper medication storage, security and labeling.
Are You Warming Patients Safely? Here's what you might be doing wrong -- and how to fix it.
A better way to eliminate retained surgical items. Accounting, not counting, will ensure no sponges are left behind.
Do you have a culture of safety? Experts weigh in on why changing the environment of your OR is difficult, but essential.
MH drills can be a real life saver. My son is alive today because the surgical team did everything right.
Your primer on plasma cutting and coagulation devices. These little 'lightsabers' let your surgeons gently slice and seal tissue.
Clear cut. Are you marking the surgical site right? Our survey shows room for improvement.
Safety: Shhh! surgery in progress. Excessive noise distracts the OR team from patient care.
6 things MH experts want you to know. The MHAUS hotline medical director answers your most pressing questions.