5 steps to PONV prevention. Post-operative nausea and vomiting is one of surgery's most unwanted side effects. Here's how to keep patients' stomachs settled.
Anesthesia alert: One simple trick to preempt post-op pain. The magic of a 50 mg dissociative dose of ketamine just before incision.
Anesthesia alert: Key takeaways from the new OSA guidelines. What the latest obstructive sleep apnea recommendations mean to you.
Is medical direction of CRNAs a reimbursement scheme or safer for patients? A point-counterpoint between a nurse anesthetist and an anesthesiologist.
Anesthesia alert: Ever wonder how anesthesia gets paid? A crash course in base units and 15-minute increments of time.
The latest and greatest in anesthesia. The American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting was jam-packed with innovative tools and products.
5 keys to success with continuous nerve blocks. A master of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia takes the mystery out of setting up an efficient program.
The future of anesthesia. Our experts weigh in on the innovations, attitudes and practices they see down the road.
Anesthesia alert: Take the fear out of mask induction for kids. How to help your pediatric patients get over their fear of going under.
Should we ue video laryngoscopes for all intubations? Why relegate the tool that gives you the best chance for success when difficult intubations arise to a backup role?
Anesthesia alert: topical or block: what's best for cataracts? Factors to consider before you choose one method over another.
Near-perfect pain control. Inside a surgical hospital's multimodal regimen.
Have you checked out anesthesia machines lately? Today's innovative workstations are built for safety and efficiency.
Supercharge your continuous nerve block program. These 3 technological advances could make continuous catheters easier to place.
Who should deliver anesthesia? The turf war between MDs and CRNAs heats up.
Patient Wakes Up, Makes Death Threats to Connecticut Surgery Center Staff. Police say she hit and punched staff members, yelled "I'm one of those bad people!"
Handling tough anesthesia cases. Obesity, sleep apnea and PONV are the enemies. Are your anesthetists ready to take them on?
Anesthesia Alert: Pectoral nerves blocks for breast surgery. These ultrasound-guided blocks are reliable and easy to master.
The sinking of Sedasys. What doomed the much-ballyhooed computerized sedation system to failure?
Anesthesia Alert: The great LMA debate. Should you remove it before or after the patient wakes up?