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Educational resources provide guidelines for evidence-based practice.
Statement from AORN concerning Surgical Expo 2021.
As the leading advocate for the safety of perioperative nurses and surgery patients, the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) has launched a national petition urging the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to issue regulations requiring worker and patient protections from harmful surgical smoke.
Get clinical answers to frequently asked questions about transmission-based precautions for monkeypox infection.
National Time Out Day draws attention to the need for everyone on the surgical team to pause before the procedure begins in order to make sure all are on the same page about the right patient, right site and right procedure. As we mark this milestone, we shift our focus from recognizing the importance of the surgical time out to ensuring that surgical teams are making adequate time for the time out.
Health Scholars, the company recognized for voice-directed critical healthcare VR simulations including advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) and Pediatric Assessment Training™, is announcing a partnership with the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN) to provide Health Scholars’ Fire in the OR™ Virtual Reality Simulation product to surgical facilities.
AORN's Statement: Imploring our nation’s leadership to act collectively and quickly in support of hospitals and health care providers as they continue to struggle in response to the ongoing pandemic.
Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has signed into law new legislation that will require licensed hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers to adopt and implement policies to prevent human exposure to surgical smoke.
Your resource for policy issues affecting perioperative nursing practice in Ambulatory Surgery Centers.
AORN continues to monitor the coronavirus status and has provided the tool kit below with regularly updated links to important resources to support decision-making in your perioperative practice.
AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo 2020 FAQs
AORN offices statement concerning office hours.
Statement from AORN
Statement from AORN concerning Surgical Expo 2020.
Statement from AORN concerning sterilization wrap.
Statement from AORN
AORN Statement Regarding Forced Hysterectomy Allegations
Governor Kathy Hochul shows commitment to safe workplaces for operating room staff in New York State.