New Interactive Education: Periop 202

Essential Education For Specialty Procedures

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Improve Surgical Outcomes

All courses feature:

  • Standardized education developed by subject matter experts and AORN nurses
  • An up-to-date, interactive learning management system that provides an enhanced educational experience
  • Customized medical illustrations, knowledge checks for each course section, and a final assessment

Perioperative professionals will learn workflows and evidence-based practices for specific surgical procedures to better anticipate patient needs while improving team coordination.

Periop 202 Demo

Whether your OR nurses are recent Periop 101: A Core Curriculum™ graduates, perioperative educators looking to expand their educational offerings, or experienced perioperative nurses expanding into new surgical procedures, watch this short demo video to learn more.

Whether you are working in an ASC or a hospital facility, the newly interactive Periop 202 courses are designed to educate your new and experienced staff on a variety of specialty procedures.

Scroll through our specialty course list to learn more.

AORN team members are available to assist you with questions regarding perioperative courses, resources, and facility purchase. Check out our FAQs.