Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, And Inclusion (DEI) in the Perioperative Community

AORN is committed to incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) principles into our work with our members, facilities, industry partners, in our communities and for our patients.

  • AORN’s pledge to strengthen diversity, equity, and inclusion in healthcare is based, in part, on the ANA Code of Ethics that governs our profession.
  • As a nursing organization we have a fundamental principle that underlies all nursing practice in our respect for the inherent dignity, worth, unique attributes, and human rights of all individuals.
  • We are ethically responsible to provide leadership in the development and implementation of changes in public and health policies that support this duty and maintains the integrity of our profession.

DEI Updates

James L. Cousin II, CPA, MBA, the AORN CFO and Chief Diversity Officer, presents the 2023 year-end highlights of the AORN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiative to the House of Delegates at the 2024 AORN Annual Conference and Expo.

Top Places to Work LogoAORN’s DEI program has been recognized by local and national organizations.

AORN’s DEI Chapter Project united 14 chapters, aiding 1,500 people with school supplies, coats, food, and more.
Check out our DEI album on Facebook.

Why Did You Become a Periop Nurse?

AORN reached out to members to share why they became a perioperative nurse and why diversity in nursing is important.
In July 2020, AORN’s Executive Team and Board of Directors created a comprehensive DEI plan that established the following goals:
Have a diversified staff, reflective of the community it serves.
Maintain a diversified membership, reflective of the national benchmark.
Have a diversified board of directors, reflective of its membership makeup.
Develop and implement programs locally and nationally to support all communities.
Educate perioperative teams of health care disparities for the patient and strive to improve.
Fulfilling the AORN Foundation mission through initiatives representing the community.
Identify opportunities to ensure LGBTQ+ is represented in AORN's DEI efforts.
Please contact us for more information on AORN’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts.

DEI Resources for Perioperative Nurses

Discover educational courses and events, career resources, articles, scholarship and grant information to  broaden your knowledge and empower yourself to promote inclusivity in perioperative care. Go to DEI Resources.